Wednesday, April 24, 2013

7th Grade Science Musical CRCT Review!

1. Cell Organelle Rap

2. I'm Coming Home...To  My Biome

3. Cell Division
4. Abiotic Vs. Biotic Factors
5. Symbiosis
6. Genetics
7. It Starts with Producers

8. Classification

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

USATest Prep Login Information!

1. USA Test Prep Link
2. Login Information

Account ID: kippsouthga
Username: firstinitiallastname



Password: homeroom followed by the word science 



Friday, April 5, 2013

Want to fill up the Website Log with lots of awesome Science practice?  
See my specific suggestions below!
Although there's ton more for you to do, just make sure it's something we've talked about this year :)

1. Khan Academy- Punnett Squares
2. Khan Academy- Genes
3. Khan Academy- Evolution
4. BrainPop-Mitosis
5. BrainPop- Active Transport
6. BrainPop-Cell Command Game
7. BrainPop- Photosynthesis
8. BrainPop - Any Human Body System one is a GREAT review (I won't link them all here)
9. USATestPrep- Go Play Dance Dance Robot on whatever science subject you'd like HERE
10. USATestPrep- Go Play Naughty Chicken on whatever science subject you'd like HERE

Spring Break Packet Video Links

I. Icons of Evolution Video Directions

1. Click on the video link HERE
2. Use my login information

Username: cocojen
Password: magnolia

3. Watch video and answer the questions :) It's pretty awesome!

* You may have to click on the above link again once you've logged in if the video doesn't show  

II. Bill Nye the Science Guy : Cells

1. Click on the video link HERE
2. Watch video and answer the questions. We watched the first 7 minutes of this episode back in August, so if that part looks familiar, that's why :) Enjoy!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Homework Menu Links: April 1st- April 3rd

1. Brain-Pop Links

Username: dekalbcs
Password: dekalb

Brainpop Directions: 

1. Login to Brainpop with above  Username and Password
2.  Search for video , if the video link doesn't pop up.
3. Watch the video and answer the questions that follow :)

A.  Genetic Mutations

B.  Natural Selection

C.  Evolution Video Review

Video Questions
1. What does Evolution tell us about life?
2. What is the video's definition of evolution?
3. What type of asexual reproduction is used by an Amoeba (they don't say the specific type in the video)?
4. What is a DNA mutation?
5. How much DNA is in the sperm of a daddy badger?
6. Where did all dogs evolve from?
7. Who guided dog evolution?
8. What is it called when you SELECT the traits you want to breed in certain organisms like humans did to dogs in the video (they don't say this specifically in the video)?
9. What do all living things have in common?
10. Which two men contributed to the ideas of evolution in the 1800s? 

The BEST Evolution Video Ever!