Friday, April 5, 2013

Want to fill up the Website Log with lots of awesome Science practice?  
See my specific suggestions below!
Although there's ton more for you to do, just make sure it's something we've talked about this year :)

1. Khan Academy- Punnett Squares
2. Khan Academy- Genes
3. Khan Academy- Evolution
4. BrainPop-Mitosis
5. BrainPop- Active Transport
6. BrainPop-Cell Command Game
7. BrainPop- Photosynthesis
8. BrainPop - Any Human Body System one is a GREAT review (I won't link them all here)
9. USATestPrep- Go Play Dance Dance Robot on whatever science subject you'd like HERE
10. USATestPrep- Go Play Naughty Chicken on whatever science subject you'd like HERE

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